Servicios Services
The Moreno Law Group believes in being the best at what we do - we work in Immigration Law, Criminal Law, and Family Law. We specialize in these areas so that we can offer the most focused and professional expertise in The Central Valley. Your legal rights are our PRIORITY.
En el Moreno law Group, queremos ser los mejores en lo que hacemos: trabajamos en casos de inmigración, defensa criminal y casos de familia. Nos especializarnos en estas áreas para poder ofrecer el servicio más enfocada y profesional en el Valle Central. Sus derechos legales son nuestra PRIORIDAD.

Casos Familiares
Family Law
Custodia, Divorcios, Ordenes de alejamento, etc

Casos de Inmigracion
Immigration Law
Visas, Asilo, Residencia, Etc

Casos Criminales
Criminal Law
DUI, Ordenes de arresto, Felonias, etc

Horas de oficina
Office hours
Llama o VisÃtanos
Fresno - Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Bakersfield - Wed - Sun: 10:30 am - 6:00 pm
Delano - Wed - Sat: 10:30 am - 6:00 pm
Merced - Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm


2105 E. Edison Hwy #105 Bakersfield, CA 93305
Nuestra oficina de Bakersfield esta localizada en el famoso Mercado Latino plaza, en el suite #105. Si tiene preguntas o quiere agendar una consulta, favor de llamar a nuestra oficina
Our Bakersfield office is located inside the famous Mercado Latino Plaza, suite # 105. If you have any questions or want to schedule a consultation, please call the number below.
1505 N Wishon ave Fresno, CA 93728
Nuestra oficina de Fresno esta localizada en el historico "Tower District", a una cuadra del colegio comunitario Fresno City. Si tiene preguntas o gusta agendar una consulta, favor de llamar a nuestra oficina
Our Fresno office is located in the historic Tower district, a block from the Fresno City Community college campus. If you have any questions or want to schedule a consultation, please call the number below.
1117 Jefferson #B Delano, Ca 93215
Nuestra oficina de Delano esta localizada en la calle Jefferson, enfrente de la Corte del Condado de Kern, division de Delano. Si tiene preguntas o gusta agendar una consulta, favor de llamar a nuestra oficina
Our Delano office is located on Jefferson Street, infront of the Kern County Superior Court, Delano branch. If you have any questions or want to schedule a consultation, please call the number below.

221 W Main St Merced, CA 95340
Ubicación de oficina temporaria
Temporary Location: Merced Office Location coming soon

Nuestro Equipo
Conoce a nuestro equipo de trabajo

Una de las grandes historias
"El senor del reciclaje"
"The recycling man"
Attorney Moreno deeply cares for his clients and community. This man approached our office stating he had court, but had no idea why, where, or what he could do. Someone had filed several charges against this man for simply picking up "trash" that he recycled. Attorney Moreno defended the client for free and was able to successfully free him of all charges. The compassion, love, and respect for others is what truly drives The Moreno Law Group to keep striving for the best.
Comuniquese con nosotros
DISCLAIMER: Everything displayed on this site shall be regarded as general information and in no way should it be interpreted as legal advice. You should contact an attorney directly regarding your own situation. Note that an attorney-client relationship will only be established after it's determined that there is no conflict of interest.

Agrega tu evaluación
Leave us your review
Help us become a better business by sharing your review with us. We love and appreciate feedback from clients in order to help us become the best possible law firm.
Ayúdanos a ser un mejor negocio compartiendo tu opinión con nosotros. Nos encantan y apreciamos los comentarios de los clientes para ayudarnos a convertirnos en el mejor grupo de abogados posible.

Learn More About The Moreno Law Group
The law is complicated and can be confusing to the untrained eye. Do you feel that you have been wronged but have no idea where to start? The Moreno Law Group has been providing comprehensive and easy to understand counsel to the people of San Francisco since 2000. I know how overwhelming the legal process can be, especially when you are under an enormous amount of stress. This is why my goal is to help you understand your rights and the issues affecting your case.
I am an attorney, yes, but I never forget that my clients are people with unique emotions and values. The Moreno Law Group keeps you involved and personally guides you in making important decisions about your case, calmly and effectively. I let you know what is going on at every stage, and explain every small detail so that you are in charge.